47 research outputs found

    A Digital Signature Scheme for Long-Term Security

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    In this paper we propose a signature scheme based on two intractable problems, namely the integer factorization problem and the discrete logarithm problem for elliptic curves. It is suitable for applications requiring long-term security and provides a more efficient solution than the existing ones

    Characterizing algebraic curves with infinitely many integral points

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    A classical theorem of Siegel asserts that the set of S-integral points of an algebraic curve C over a number field is finite unless C has genus 0 and at most two points at infinity. In this paper we give necessary and sufficient conditions for C to have infinitely many S-integral points.Comment: Int. J. Number Th. 5 (2009), 585-59

    An Attack on Small Private Keys of RSA Based on Euclidean Algorithm

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    In this paper, we describe an attack on RSA cryptosystem which is based on Euclid\u27s algorithm. Given a public key (n,e)(n,e) with corresponding private key dd such that ee has the same order of magnitude as nn and one of the integers k=(ed1)/ϕ(n)k = (ed-1)/\phi(n) and eke-k has at most one-quarter as many bits as ee, it computes the factorization of nn in deterministic time O((logn)2)O((\log n)^2) bit operations

    Some Lattices Attacks on DSA and ECDSA

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    In this paper, using the LLL reduction method and computing the integral points of two classes of conics, we develop attacks on DSA and ECDSA in case where the secret and the ephemeral key and their modular inverse are quite small or quite large

    New Lattice Attacks on DSA Schemes

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    We prove that a system of linear congruences of a particular form has at most a unique solution below a certain bound which can be computed efficiently. Using this result we develop attacks against the DSA schemes which, under some assumptions, can provide the secret key in the case where one or several signed messages are available